办 公 室:J9-257
(1) 《矿井水中微生物转化硫酸盐的工艺构建与机制研究》,山东省研究生创新成果,2023.
(2) 《海洋石油降解菌群Halomonas的生物强化及机理研究》,山东省优秀科技创新成果三等奖,2019.
(3) 《溢油水域生态高效修复关键技术与装备研发》,第十五届中国商业联合会服务业科技创新奖-全国服务业科技创新奖二等奖,2023.
(4) 《滨海湿地石油烃污染区域的生物强化修复技术》,山东环境科学学会环保科技奖一等奖,2023.
(5) 《海洋溢油生态应急高效修复装备研发及应用》,山东省应急产业协会科学技术奖一等奖,2021.
(1) Ke Shi, Weimin Cheng, Dongle Cheng, et al., Stability improvement and the mechanism of a microbial electrolysis cell biocathode for treating wastewater containing sulfate by quorum sensing. Chemical Engineering Journal, 455 (2023), 140597. (SCI 一区TOP)
(2) Ke Shi, Yuehong Yao, Yu Gao, et al., Microbial electrolysis cell as an effective tool for mitigating the toxic effects of Cu2+ on microorganisms in the acid mine drainage treatment: Efficacy and mechanisms. Chemical Engineering Journal, 473 (2023) 145190. (SCI 一区TOP)
(3) Ke Shi, Weimin Cheng, Qing Jiang, et al., Insight of the bio-cathode biofilm construction in microbial electrolysis cell dealing with sulfate-containing wastewater. Bioresource Technology, 361 (2022), 127695. (SCI 一区TOP)
(4) Jianliang Xue*, Ke Shi, Chuan Chen, et al., Evaluation of response of dynamics change in bioaugmentation process in diesel-polluted seawater via high-throughput sequencing: Degradation characteristic, community structure, functional genes. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 403 (2021), 123569. (SCI 一区TOP)
(5) Weimin Cheng#, Ke Shi#, Duc-Viet Nguyen, et al., Enhancing Sulfate Reduction Efficiency in Microbial Electrolysis Cells: The Impact of Mixing Conditions and Heavy-Metal Concentrations on Functional Genes, Cell Activity, and Community Structure in Sulfate-Laden Wastewater Treatment. ACS ES&T Engineering, 5(2025), 1-11.
Bioresource Technology, Waste Management, Process Safety and Environmental Protection等学术期刊审稿人。