办 公 室:科技园U创中心B214
(2)2021/01-2022/12,悉尼科技大学,Research Engineer/ Research Associate
(1) Cheng, D.L., Ngo, H.H., Guo, W.S., Chang, S.W., Nguyen, D.D., Liu, Y., Wei, Q. and Wei, D., 2020. A critical review on antibiotics and hormones in swine wastewater: Water pollution problems and control approaches. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 387, p.121682 (一区, IF 14.221).
(2) Cheng, D.L., Ngo, H.H., Guo, W.S., Chang, S.W., Nguyen, D.D., Nguyen, Q.A., Zhang, J. and Liang, S., 2020. Improving sulfonamide antibiotics removal from swine wastewater by supplying a new pomelo peel derived biochar in an anaerobic membrane bioreactor. Bioresource Technology, 319, p.124160 (一区, IF 11.889).
(3) Cheng, D.L., Ngo, H.H., Guo, W.S., Chang, S.W., Nguyen, D.D., Liu, Y., Liu, Y., Deng, L. and Chen, Z., 2020. Evaluation of a continuous flow microbial fuel cell for treating synthetic swine wastewater containing antibiotics. Science of The Total Environment, p.144133 (一区, IF 10.753).
(4) Cheng, D.L., Ngo, H.H., Guo, W.S., Chang, S.W., Nguyen, D.D., Li, J., Ly, Q.V. and Nguyen, T.A.H., 2020. Applying a new pomelo peel derived biochar in microbial fell cell for enhancing sulfonamide antibiotics removal in swine wastewater. Bioresource Technology, 318, p.123886 (一区, IF 11.889).
(5) Cheng, D.L., Ngo, H. H., Guo, W. S., Pandey A., Varjani, S., Sustainable production and applications of biochar in circular bioeconomy,Circular Bioeconomy: Integrated Approaches for Sustainability, Elsevier, 337-362.
(1)International Forum on Industrial Bioprocesses(IFIBiop)会员