办 公 室:J4-109
邮 箱:skdxh0904@xingjiylc.com
(4)2021/12-2022/12,加拿大里贾纳大学(University of Regina),联培博士
(1)Xu Hao, Qin Yueping, Wu Fan, et al. Numerical modeling of gas extraction from coal seam combined with a dual-porosity model: Finite difference solution and multi-factor analysis[J]. Fuel, 2022, 313, 122687. (SCI: IF=8.035,中科院1区,TOP期刊,ESI高被引,JCR Q1)
(2)Hao Xu, Gang Wang, Cheng Fan, et al. Grain-scale reconstruction and simulation of coal mechanical deformation and failure behaviors using combined SEM Digital Rock data and DEM simulator[J]. Powder Technology, 2020, 360: 1305-1320. (SCI: IF=5.64,中科院2区,TOP期刊,JCR Q1)
(3)Hao Xu, Yueping Qin, Daoyong Yang, et al. Experimental investigation of gas diffusion kinetics and pore-structure characteristics during coalbed methane desorption within a coal seam[J]. Gas Science and Engineering, 2024, 121: 205173. (SCI: IF=4.9,中科院2区,TOP期刊,JCR Q1)
(4)Hao Xu, Yueping Qin, Daoyong Yang, et al. Quantification of Gas Transport Behavior During Coalbed Methane Extraction in A Coal Seam Considering a Dual-Porosity/Single-Permeability Model [J]. Natural Resources Research, 2024, 33: 321–345. (SCI: IF= 4.8,中科院2区,JCR Q1)
(5)Xu Hao, Qin Yueping, Yang Daoyong, et al. Modeling of Diffusion Kinetics during Gas Adsorption in a Coal Seam with a Dimensionless Inversion Method[J]. Fuel, 2022, 326, 125068. (SCI: IF=8.035,中科院1区,TOP期刊,JCR Q1)
(6)Hao Xu, Yueping Qin, Gang Wang, et al. Discrete element study on mesomechanical behavior of crack propagation in coal samples with two prefabricated fissures under biaxial compression[J]. Powder Technology, 2020, 375: 42-59. (SCI: IF=5.64,中科院2区,TOP期刊,JCR Q1)
(7)Wei Liu, Hao Xu*, Deyao Wu, et al. Gases migration behavior of adsorption processes in coal particles: Density gradient model and its experimental validation[J]. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2021, 152: 264-277. (SCI: IF=7.926,中科院2区,TOP期刊,JCR Q1)
(8)Gang Wang, Zongxiang, Han, Hao Xu*, Shoujian Peng, Qingming Long. Effect of coal moisture content on gas desorption and diffusion: a theoretical model and numerical solution[J]. Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36(07): 73109. (SCI: IF= 4.1,中科院2区,JCR Q1)
(9)王刚, 徐浩, 武猛猛, 等. 基于不同弹性本构方程的塑性区宽度及封孔长度研究[J]. 岩土力学, 2018, 39(07): 2599-2608. (中文EI,卓越期刊)
(10)秦跃平, 徐浩, 毋凡, 张凤杰. 密度梯度驱动的煤粒瓦斯解吸扩散模型及试验研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术. 2022, 50(01), 169-176. (中文EI期刊)
(7)Steeply-inclined ultra-thick coal seam gas control method based on binary composite liquid,17264962,美国国际专利,排名第5
(1)国际岩石力学学会(ISRM)Sorptive Rocks专委会副秘书长
(2)Advances in Geo-Energy Research(AGER)期刊(中科院一区期刊)第五届青年编委
(3)《安全与可持续(英文)》(Journal of Safety and Sustainability)期刊青年编委
(4)《深地科学(英文)》(Deep Underground Science and Engineering)期刊(中国科技期刊卓越行动计划高起点新刊项目)青年编委
(8)《Process Safety and Environmental Protection》《Fuel》《Thermochimica Acta》等学术期刊审稿人